Ok, one of my biggest pet peeves is when players on the bench, do not pay attention to the game. What could possibly be more important, than cheering on your teammates? My rules are straight forward. No friends or family in or around (5ft radius) the dugout. Zip, zero, nada. No electronics in the dug out. - cell phones, ear buds, watches etc PAY ATTENTION TO THE GAME! No full course meals in the dug out. Why? Because I am not cleaning up vomit in the dugout or out on the field. And YES, it can wait till after the game. Players have got to be prepared; they need their water, their gear, small snacks to get them through the game. I'm sure you're thinking, wow, you're a mean coach. No I'm not. The players need to concentrate on the game, watch the game, cheer their team on, and listen to the coaches.