
Showing posts from 2023

Benefits of Using Protein Powder from ISSA

Benefits of Using Protein Powder  Muscle needs protein to grow. This makes protein powder beneficial for clients interested in increasing muscle mass. A powder-based protein source also helps muscle recover after a tough workout. During intense exercise, muscle tissue is damaged. Protein provides the nutrients needed for a faster, more efficient recovery. Protein powder also offers a convenient way to consume this important nutrient. It can be quickly mixed with liquids like water or milk and easily incorporated into one’s diet for increased nutritional benefits.  Not only do powders support muscle growth, repair, and recovery, but their unique variety of essential amino acids, absorption rates, and nutritional profiles enable users to choose one that best fits their individual needs.  Protein Powder Options There are numerous protein powders from which to choose. That said, they all fit into two basic categories: animal-based and plant-based. Animal-Based Protein Powder ...

benefits of walking




Are you eating enough?


The Ten Christian Virtues and Civic Responsibilities for Coaches and Leaders of Sport in the 21st Century

Ethics and Sportsmanship Abstract Coaches and sports leaders are responsible for fulfilling their roles ethically and with integrity.  The Ten Christian Virtues and Civic Responsibilities for Coaches and Leaders of Sport in the 21st Century describe the characteristics of exemplary leaders in sport.  Three of the most important virtues are poised, relentless, and enthusiastic. The first virtue, or responsibility, poised means coaches and leaders maintain composure and dignity.  The second virtue or responsibility is relentless, it means coaches and leaders are determined to do something and refuse to give up. The last virtue, or responsibility, is enthusiastic, which means coaches and leaders show great passion and joy for what they do.  Christian Virtue and Civic Responsibility Coaches and athletic administrators are leaders and models for good sportsmanship and ethical behavior. They are responsible for upholding the codes of conduct, standards of behavior, and int...

14 Legal Duties of Athletic Personnel

It does not matter if you are a paid or volunteer coach, commissioner or treasurer, official or board member, you have 14 Legal Duties to follow and uphold. If you have anything to do with athletics at any age or level, you are legally responsible.                                                      14 Legal Duties of Athletic Personnel Duty to Plan • Have a yearly plan, keep it, and follow it • Prevent or reduce injury and loss by developing responsive strategies in: • Coaching competence • Medical screening • Appropriate activities that consider age, maturity, and environmental conditions • Injury response • Warnings to athletes and their families • Child advocacy in cases of alcohol and other drug abuse or family neglect or abuse Duty to Supervise • A coach must be: • Physically pr...

Should volunteer coaches go through training to coach the youth in recreational leagues? YES

Statement of Problem My research question concerns youth sports and what I have witnessed in the youth sports world. Should volunteer coaches go through training to coach the youth in recreational leagues? This impacts youth at all levels and concerns everyone in the sports community for various reasons. Reasons include safety, skill set, social and emotional, and sportsmanship. I have been coaching in the recreational youth sports community since 2003. I have firsthand witnessed volunteer coaches berate referees and officials, belittle children on their playing skills, and not know how to teach basic skills in the sport that they are coaching.  Review of the Literature The vast majority of youth sport programs in the United States relies primarily on parent volunteers to serve as coaches. Unfortunately, most of these volunteer coaches have not received formal training to prepare them adequately for the role of youth sport coach. To exacerbate the issue, according to the popular me...

Transactional coaching vs transformational coaching

What is transactional coaching and transformational coaching? Am I either transactional or transformational coach?  Transactional coaches cut deals with their players to get what they want out of them: "Give me this kind of work and I'll give you minutes on the field." I wanted to be a transformational coach. Transformational coaches help shape and guide who their players are. A good coach will change a player's game. My leadership style went from transactional coaching to transformational coaching. Instead of just wins and losses, I will also now focus on changing their lives. I reflect more on my leadership style and coaching style, to see if I meet my players expectations and how practices or games went. If I did not meet their expectations or mine, how can I adjust that to solve that. I believe being a transformational coach is critical to having a successful team.  My coaching philosophy has always been, to coach to win, play to win. Strive for excellence on and ...



Full Body Exercises!

 Below you will find some of my favorite full body exercises, they just require space to complete them!  Alternating split-squat jump The alternating split-squat jump is not for beginners. This exercise is very demanding and requires a strong base before attempting. After performing a few reps you will feel like you ran wind sprints. It's a good exercise for building strength and explosiveness for sports such as basketball, volleyball and other jumping sports. While building strength this exercise is also good for cardiovascular endurance. You might consider this exercise if you are cross training. Description Stand with your feet staggered about 18 to 24 inches apart, front and back. Jump up and while in the air quickly switch legs forward and backward. Land and absorb the impact softly by bending both legs until the back knee is about an inch from the ground. Keep your chest up and maintain good posture throughout. The front knee shouldn't move too far past the toes. Mistake...

Been a hot minute

 It's been a hot minute since my last post, to be honest, I 100% forgot I had this. My bad. Well, I 'm back and better than ever.  I'm 7 weeks from completing my Masters' in Coaching and Athletic Administration and that has taken all of my free time. It has been such an amazing experience taking coaching and athletic courses, I have learned a lot about myself as a coach and have grown.  I am now a colligate softball coach for a local university, it has been amazing. I am in awe of these young ladies and how well they work together. We are currently undefeated at this time  I will be offering online services for sports, simply ask and I will see what I can do.