Full Body Exercises!

 Below you will find some of my favorite full body exercises, they just require space to complete them! 

Alternating split-squat jump

The alternating split-squat jump is not for beginners. This exercise is very demanding and requires a strong base before attempting. After performing a few reps you will feel like you ran wind sprints. It's a good exercise for building strength and explosiveness for sports such as basketball, volleyball and other jumping sports. While building strength this exercise is also good for cardiovascular endurance. You might consider this exercise if you are cross training.


  • Stand with your feet staggered about 18 to 24 inches apart, front and back.
  • Jump up and while in the air quickly switch legs forward and backward.
  • Land and absorb the impact softly by bending both legs until the back knee is about an inch from the ground.
  • Keep your chest up and maintain good posture throughout. The front knee shouldn't move too far past the toes.


  • Hunching and not keeping the chest up

Bear crawl

The bear crawl provides both strength and conditioning benefits. The bear crawl strengthens the upper and lower-body. The bear crawl can be performed for distance to build anaerobic endurance. Agility, coordination, and speed are improved with the bear crawl.


  • Get on both hands and knees.
  • Lift your knees about an inch off the floor (but no higher!)
  • Keeping your knees only an inch from the floor, crawl forward.
  • Keep both knees inside your elbows, and prevent your hips from swaying side to side.
  • Crawl for a specified distance.


  • Rounding the back.
  • Knees held too high above floor.
  • Knees moving outside of elbows.
  • Swaying the hips from side to side.


Burpees provide a full-body, bodyweight workout. Burpees can be performed almost anywhere and make a great conditioning exercise. Actually, burpees alone make a great workout. Perform burpees with other exercises to burn more fat and improve your endurance.


  • Stand with your feet at hip-width.
  • Drop straight down onto your hands and kick your feet straight back (into a pushup position).
  • Move immediately into a pushup.
  • As you complete the pushup, immediately jump your feet forward between your hands.
  • And stand straight up.


  • Letting the hips sag or drop while in the pushup position.
  • Jumping the feet back one at a time (must jump both back at the same time).
  • Not jumping the feet forward far enough.

Diagonal wood chop

The diagonal wood chop is a great core exercise. Not only does it strengthen your body, it also develops and strengthens basic motor patterns. It can be performed without equipment or it can be done with a dumbbell or cables. The diagonal wood chop is good for golfers and baseball players.


  • With your feet wider than shoulder width, clasp your hands in front of you.
  • Pull your arms up to one side of your head.
  • Squat down and "chop" your arms diagonally to the opposite side of the body
  • Stand back up while pulling your arms up to the same side of your head.
  • Repeat for specified reps. Perform the same from the opposite side.


  • Rounding the back.
  • Not dropping the hips at the bottom.
  • Letting the knees cave in.


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